The Big Picture / by ADMIN

Artist Natvar Bhavsar is known for paintings that swallow entire walls, yet despite their massive size, it's the smallness of his work that interests him the most.

Natvar Bhavsar isn't impressed that fellow artist Tyeb Mehta's painting, 'Mahisaura' fetched $1.58 million dollars at Christie's last fall. Bhavsar is a friend of Mehta's, but the Gujarat-born, New York-based artist shudders at the thought of putting a price on art and feels that it demotes it from what it is - 'a biological ingredient of life' to mere decoration. 'We have created a very artificial aura around art', he says, 'and put it on a pedestal so that you can't touch it'.

Read the rest of the article, written by Anuja Madar for Rave, by clicking here.